Saturday, March 27, 2010

cool daes . funny daes :D

Foohh .. quite long eyhh never update . haha . As i have said , if there's interesting story to be shared among the readers then we will update. If not , you guys should wait and see . Now we have came to the busy world . Each of us is busy now . Get to know also , Amie jambu going to start his schooling days . hahah . "Good Luck bro " .

Last few days .. some of our brotherhood have meet each others .. as we have been so long did not met each others. Man , Naz & Mubin have meet each other outside Naz place .. At the first place , me and mubin meet each others at the mosque after praying .. and that is on last Friday .. Got to know Mubin ade handphone baru .. baekk punya ! sony ericsson Yari™ .. geyrekk sia ni hp .. bleyh main game mcm WII .. haha. this phone more to games arhh .. then Man & Naz tooks some pictures . keycoh arh nie due cousin . hahah ..

- samcargo , all the way ! wish you the best ! hahah ! -

Monday, March 15, 2010

outing for this week .

Outing gathering for brother2 !

sentosa - Anderson wave .

okay , the first thing i need to know is your day and timing that you guys may attend . If i get the majority date and timing , it will be the comfirm date-time for this outing trip . So by the help of you guys , please update me which day you want for this outing . but i will put this outing maybe on this wednesday - 170310 - 2pm anybody could not make it on this day , please update which day you may attend with mani by sms .

* Tolong inform mani hari yanq koranq naq utk outing nie A.S.A.P !!

takecare guys . inform the rest if they did't get this message :D

Saturday, March 13, 2010

kent ridge park :D

let's begin our story here ,
here im mankenid one of the brotherhood members sharing our time together to "kent ridge park" the number of people that attend this outing were not that much around 6 of us attend . Coz we plan this outing around the chinese new year days, some of them celebrate chinese new year i think . hahah . for one of our friend "amie jambu" he did't turn up as he has to find some collections by playing this lion dance stuff .. tapi kiterh tetap carry on ..

i set the timing for this outing at around 2pm sharp , we always gather ourself around compass area . ni part fauzi nqn nash binqit .. coz another 4 of us are late , nie smue zaihin nqn mubin yerhh psl arhh .. janji pkul 2 .. reach at nazirul place at 2.30pm ... me and naz da binqit .. for me , kene scold by fauzi .. siann arhhh .. " manerhh kau ? da klua belom ? cpat arhh sial ! " those sentence were keep repeating and i will always receive if i were to be late .

around 2.30 pluss .. mubin nqn zaihin sampai .. aku nqn naz saes .. cepatt larhh .. doranq da binqit .. dhenn we quickly head to the nearest busstop and take bus to compass .. reach there at around 3.00pm .. sampai jerhh .. head to nash and fauzi , i asked .. " lamerhh perhh tunqqu ..?" " abohhh .. asl lmbt ?" "kau tanyerhh arhh tu due badot .. katerhh otw2 .. last dtq pukul braperhh ." kaekae now we straight plan and take NEL to hougang interchanqe . reach there jerhh da pukul 3.45pm .. dhen i plan of taking bus 51 .. coz before the day we wanted to go . i seriously check what bus when there .. beyhh doranq da mcm .. betol perhh mann .. 51 ? we just stood at the bus number line and waited for 51 .. skali , got this bus number beside our line Q .. 147 (kent ridge) .. alamakk .. aku da mcm .. nie bus pon naq peqi kent ridge kerhh ?? errrr .. beyhh they all like wahh ..! mann .. mcm mann ? take which bus ? i straight away sayy .. 51 sudahh . aku da check perhh smlm ..

bus 51 also arrive a couple of minute.. but before we tap on our EZ-LINK .. me and mubin ask the bus driver .. "uncle this bus go to kent ridge park anot ?" he reply . "wat road was tat ?" i sae , " south buona vista road ?" uncle ," ouhh yayaya .. can can can .. south buona vista ! " beyhh kiterhh pon ahh ! okayokay .. Nazirul da mcm .. orq gilerhh .. south buona vista !

stood the bus happily .. but halfway on the trip , they when mad and start to complainn to me .. "mann ! nie bus comfirmm perhh peqi kent ridge ." i was like .. " peqi perhh . apekk tuh ckp laqi .. cancancan ." dhenn they sat silently .. waited and waited til 1hr plus .. and we still in the bus around chinatown area .. mubin da naq terkencinq .. hahah . dierhh taqleyhh tahan .. dierhh tron tanyerhh tu apekk ." how long arhh we reachinq there ?" the uncle reply .. another 15 mins .. mubin like wahh ! kaekae .. tros aleyh2 bus nie jalann kat vivo city peyh area .. doranq da mcm " eyhh nie kat vivo kann ? tadi kalauu taq bleyhh naik NEL ton habourfront perhh ..?" aku da mcm errrr .. doranq plann naq keropok kan aku kat dlm bus .. tapi aku ckp .. relakk arhh .. da naq sampai pon perhh . saperhh tah ckp .. tapi da makan 1hr and 35mins siakk ..

atlastt we cannot tahann .. we qo downn and ask the driver .. " uncle where is the kent ridge parkk ? we reachinq already anot ?" apekk , " i also not sure arhh " puaaaahhh chiiipp birdddd !~ geramm siaa .. tros mubinn jus alight us here arhh unclee .. smue da mcm .. kanina ! 1hr 35min atlastt he not sure ? assshole ! but we still don give up ..we walk in this petrol station and ask .. one of the pakcik .. " pakcikk ... kiterhh da sesat arhh . kent ridge parkk kat manerhh ?" he sae its nearby .. jus walk in and saw one army tanks .. dhen we were like fuhhh .. its nearby .. before we continue .. mubinn wanted for toilet breakk . haha . dierhh naq kencinq .. after toiley breakks .. we started our journery and have some asapp .. soon after that we already know where's the entry for kent ridge parkk .. smue tnqh lapar .. so we headed to this "al ameer restaurant" hahah . makann puas2 . ask the men to calculate the total .. dhenn .. we askk him cann pay separately .. dhenn we askk cann take for us picture .. we were like .. mcm2 siakk perintahh .. hahah .

then after eating walk in to the park of kent ridge parkk .. sumpahh damn penatt seyhh .. the road was super damn steamm seyhh .. nash sampai bukak baju .. nazirul plakk ikot arhh .. kiterhh da mcm ber peluhh gilerhh .. walk in then there was a short cut to this anderson wave .. we actually wanted to qo there not kent ridge .. kiterhh da salahh paham . hahah . but its okay .. we read the map and its quite near .. we follow the map .. but we get lost -.- we cannot tahann already .. we approach and us people for directions .. after the people explanation .. we follow the route carefully but we still get tired and lost lastly .. fuhhh ..

walk and walk and walkk .. we disturb nazirull .. we take his ite landyard .. tros halfway .. dierhh panic .. diehrh tanyerhh " dokk .. landyard aku hilannq ? " kiterhh da mcm .. buat bodoh arhh . dierhh main2 .. dierhh kan slalu naq prank kiterhh .." nazirul , " betol ! aku yerhh landyard hilanqq aku letakk kat blakang sluar aku .." kiterhh pon kacau " habiss .. kau da taqleyhh balikk .. nnti kau naq naik bus .. apekk sruhh kau gadai kasot baruu kauu .." hahahah . dierhh pon start majokk .. beyhh kiterhh kesiann .. kiterhh kasii dierhh balikk .. buut he still continue majok he sae " aderhh kawan pon naq main2 kan aku ..." :(

alonq the wayy we make noise except nazirul .. hmmmm .. kiterhh panqqil dierhh pon dierhh diamm jerhh . atlast we reach to this place called " canopy walk ." kiterhh da excited and start takinq pictures .. except nazirul .. paperhh smue .. nazzirul taqderhh dlm qamba .. dierhh ynq amiik kann qamba .. and did eu knw that we reach the canopy walk at around 7.35pm .. mcm soo lambat sia kiterhh .. tapi geyrekk .. saw the sunset . the best partt is we saw this anakk makcik .. hahah . fuhh .. smue kecohh .. dokdok! chickies2 .. nqn mak dierhh tapi .. smue jalann step baekk sebelahh anak makcikk .. nash and mubinn beri salam .. makcik tuh jawabb mcm tak ihklas .. the last person who hear was me and fauzi .. coz kiterhh kat blakang .. dhenn both of us decided to wave at her daughter .. and we did .. tapi anakk makcik tuh .. senyum jerhh dhen toleyh depan balikk . friendly kan kiterhh ? hahah . da syiok2 amik qamba .. nazirul still feld downn .. at the end of the canopy walk .. one of us approach to nazirul .. and asked .." naz sorry arhh .. kiterhh taq meann to disturb kau arhh .. " he said " aku okay lahh .. aku cumerhh penat jerh .. sebab tuhh aku diam . hahahah " kiterhh da mcmm alaaahhh !~ suspen jerhh ... hahahha .

nazirul began to cheer up .. and its already 745pm .. we are still not around the anderson wave .. we walk and walkk .. and took some picture along the wayy .. geyrekk arhh .. walk along the road in the middle samo ..
atlastt we saw this bright bridqe ~ woooaaaahhhh !! smue terkejot .. reachh infront of the startinq point of the bridge at around 8.05pm .. smue ckp " nie lahh ynq kiterh actually naq peqi .. !" fuhhh .. geyrekk .. perhh .. reach there at the right time .. the wind blew like a aircon ! sedapp .. cari tempatt dhenn duduk .. and we slackk .. next plann we sae " head to vivo arhh ? amcm ?" smue ON ! ..
830pm has jus pastt .. we are leaving the anderson place .. and head down to the nearest busstop .. we cannot tahann liaw so we take the buss and head to vivocity .. reach vivo at onli 5 mins .. dhenn rushh down to the nearest drink stall and take a sip of water .. walkwalk in the vivo for 15mins .. dhenn when head home .. for me .. i reeach home at around 945pm .. tats all for our latest outing to kent ridge park - vivo city ..

about uss ?

hello readers !
welcome to this new fresh blog . we're quite new here . we are share among ourself . we usually spend our time together although some of us are not in the same school . some activity that we do spend together are playing "takraw" number of regu we have around four . so the total number of us are at around 10 people . we do have some outting together every month . lagi-lagi kalau aderh holidays . hahah !
step by steps . readers will know each of us slowly .

till here . im blank weii .. alone sia typing ..