Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sweet 16

Hi people... Its been a week or so since we update our blog. Dis is just a short post.
Yesterday, or to be exact on the 25 dec'10 is our baby boy Hazman 16th bdae. It was juz a small and simple but yet a blast celebration at his house! Ya, we had a blast together. Taking photos and all that.

Talkin bout' photos, if we have the tyme... we gonna upload the photos soon. So watch out for tht !!!

nash lefty-handed

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

who eh?

who recently enter the blog and post the latest posting?? then change the chat box title. buy new fish. why got ten fish sia.. i buy seven only. now got ten fish. all red samo.. hahah!

want change anything discuss first leh...
so everyone know..


Sunday, December 5, 2010


hi there people . Is us again.

hmmmmm...... Since our blog have been ''upgraded'' to smth better, it seems that we dun have any followers to maybe read or write at our chatbox. Aiya !!! But the best thing.. NO MORE SPAMMERS >> WOOHOOOO!!

that's all folks.. gonna post somemore next time. dun forget to drop smth at our chatbox ya !!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

done touching up our blog.

dog here.
done touching up our blog. Songs gadget, Chat box also put in already. Amie jambu, don any how press again.. if not all lost .. haha. If need any songs to change just place your comment at the chat box on the right hand side. AND ! don forget to feed our fish on top of the page.. just press right click to feed. thanks ~

dog nak chow! wooof !
chalow malow . sawadikap. takecare.
