Thursday, November 11, 2010

didn't expect tragedy happen again.

hi. dog here...

again? why? i also dint know why.. out of sudden.. one day my brothers will know whats really happening to me.. i know they might take it as a joke but its okay. Only one day someone will inform them truthfully.. not only i hurt myself by someone who make me so..

" aku tahu.. aku akan terima die seadanya, aku cintakan die.. hati die bukan rupe die.."

its way more pain.. deep in.. i suffered it two times. and this is the first time i inform my lovely mom.. she was shock when i told her.. but i didn't told her the full of it.. just inform her.. i vomit blood when i was talking to my cheerful brother...

its between me and allah. only my mighty god knows. praying hard to get well sooner better than its too late..

take care peeps :)


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