Wednesday, November 10, 2010

say cheese!!:)

hey peeps.. l0ong time we've nvr p0st anything rite?
0ur bl0g is full 0f spider webs nw.
i'll try t0 p0st sumtink everyday aytes..:)

Yesterday was a great day!-.-
we g0t 0nly an h0ur t0 play takraw..
its all b'cause 0f tat s.t.u pid " wing chun "...

there's a c0uple 0f new guys wanna play takraw with us...
They came with l0ng b0ard.. style kepe?
mrapek jerr..-.-

0kae.. tats it f0r t0day guys.

keep in t0uch, t0uch n g0...
chal0w mal0w.

Amie jambu..:)

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