Saturday, November 20, 2010


heyl0w there!:)

There's this funny little thing called
" L0VE " it can c0me n g0 like a gust 0f wind
it can trade 0ff fr0m 0ne pers0n t0 the next
unpredictable and unexplainable are what it's abt..

Y0u never knw when its c0ming 0r h0w y0u'll receive it
But 0nce y0u have it, y0u'll nvr wnt t0 let g0
Th0ugh it 0ften d0es g0, shattering y0ur heart al0ng the way
Makes y0u nvr want it again 0ut 0f fear and sadness

0nly, sl0wly y0u heal n smile 0nce again
And suddenly there's new face tat makes ur heart flutter
S0 eu f0rget ur 0ld sadness with ur new excitement
0n n 0ff it g0es thr0ugh0ut ur life

As sad as it may seem, m0st 0f us will g0 thr0ugh
Pe0ple as we d0 cl0thes
Yet s0me have l0ng, l0ving relati0nships
That bl0ss0m int0 marriage

S0me w0nder why pe0ple put up with it
it cn hurt, stab eu fr0m the bck,
and sadly
Even make eu wnt t0 take ur life

yet the reward seems t0 be the catch
the ability t0 share with s0me0ne
the secret eu th0ught y0u'd carry t0 grave

T0 trust s0me0ne with all eu have
And knw tat it's returned
receiving unbelievable happiness n j0y
fr0m just the sight 0f s0me0ne

it's a w0nderful feeling,
shared between tw0,
that can turn int0 the adventure 0f lifetime.

bye pe0ple..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

didn't expect tragedy happen again.

hi. dog here...

again? why? i also dint know why.. out of sudden.. one day my brothers will know whats really happening to me.. i know they might take it as a joke but its okay. Only one day someone will inform them truthfully.. not only i hurt myself by someone who make me so..

" aku tahu.. aku akan terima die seadanya, aku cintakan die.. hati die bukan rupe die.."

its way more pain.. deep in.. i suffered it two times. and this is the first time i inform my lovely mom.. she was shock when i told her.. but i didn't told her the full of it.. just inform her.. i vomit blood when i was talking to my cheerful brother...

its between me and allah. only my mighty god knows. praying hard to get well sooner better than its too late..

take care peeps :)


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Missing s0me0ne..:'(

Hey there...

I tend t0 miss her, s0 d0 my br0s, missing they're s0 called " chicks "...

s0me0ne ask mie if i miss her...
i didn't ans.. i just cl0se my eyes and walked away.
(L)then i wHispered " s0oo0 much "...

even th0ugh eu are afar, i keep eu near my heart...
i miss her al0t..

i'm g0ing t0 smile like n0thing's wr0ng,
talk like evrythings perfect.
act like its all a dream, and pretend its n0t

3 w0rds... I L0VE y0u(L)!

say cheese!!:)

hey peeps.. l0ong time we've nvr p0st anything rite?
0ur bl0g is full 0f spider webs nw.
i'll try t0 p0st sumtink everyday aytes..:)

Yesterday was a great day!-.-
we g0t 0nly an h0ur t0 play takraw..
its all b'cause 0f tat s.t.u pid " wing chun "...

there's a c0uple 0f new guys wanna play takraw with us...
They came with l0ng b0ard.. style kepe?
mrapek jerr..-.-

0kae.. tats it f0r t0day guys.

keep in t0uch, t0uch n g0...
chal0w mal0w.

Amie jambu..:)